Ergo Active Pro

For long hours at the desk

Kneeling chair for active sitting Ergo Active Pro is a balance chair with innovative design and function. Made entirely of recyclable materials, the chair is suitable for everyone who wants to sit healthy. It trains and strengthens the muscles of the body, thanks to the free position of the torso and the constant balancing it induces. It teaches correct posture and improves comfort during work. Constant movement while sitting helps burn calories and improves blood circulation in the legs and body, which also has a positive effect on breathing. Improves coordination, balance and concentration. Kneeling chairs for active sitting stop headaches and shoulder pain. Thanks to its design the chair  stops back and lower back pain caused by incorrect sitting posture.

Rated 5.0 out of 5 based on 5 ratings
SKU: 23523527

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Подобрете своя ден със здравословен стол за активно седене. Бюджетен модел за дълги часове пред бюрото

Столът е подходящ за хора, които не са физически активни. За стринка и вуйчо, за леля и чичо. За счетоводители, държавна администрация и т.н. За хора прекарващи дълги часове пред бюрото и с хронични болки в кръста и тялото


Открийте ново измерение на комфорта и здравето с нашия стол за активно седене. Този стол е създаден да отговори на нуждите на хората, които се грижат за своето добро физическо здраве и продуктивността в офиса или у дома.


Recommended for adults and adolescents, suitable for children.

Ергономичен стол за колене се препоръчва за възрастни, които не са физически активни и прекарват дълги часове в седяща работна поза.

The backrest and armrests predispose to more sitting positions than the correct orthopedic one, which enables the body to smoothly transition to the correct sitting position without being stressful for the body. While sitting in the correct posture, the backrest and armrests are not used, they come into use when you relax the body for relaxation and rest.

Extremely innovative, the chair features a special design that encourages the body to move while sitting. This helps to activate the muscles and prevents stagnation of blood and lymph, which is especially important for people who sit for long periods of time. This design keeps you in a dynamic posture while sitting, which is beneficial for spinal health and promotes proper body posture.

The chair can be supplied снабден с иновативна декомпресивна седалка, която способства за по-добрата циркулация на кръвта и лимфата в областта на малкия таз.

.With our active sitting chair, you will enjoy comfortable and ergonomic sitting that will increase your productivity and well-being throughout the day. Recommended by specialists in the field of orthopedics and ergonomics, this chair is an investment in your health and comfort.

Improves blood circulation

Recommended by experts

It provides convenience and comfort

Adapted for children and adults

Specially designed for all age groups, including adults, children, and adolescents.

Other office chairs

Our Ergo Active

Other product benefits

The correct angle of the seat reduces harmful loads in the lower back

Prevents the possibility of developing stagnant phenomena in the pelvis and the appearance of hemorrhoids

The load is borne by the front of the shins, not the knees and feet.

Maintaining normal physiological curves of the spine (lordosis and kyphosis).

Reduces the possibility of developing more serious conditions like disc protrusions, hernias, and others.

Minimizes the prerequisites for the development of various spinal curvatures in children (scoliosis, kyphotic deformations, etc.)

What's in the box?

Assembly keys
Warranty card




Gray, Blue, Red


Beech, Cloth


12 months



Weight able to carry



Installation of armrests and backrest by the customer, Assembled base



Others, Kyphotic deformities, Scoliosis


All people with a sitting working posture

Frequently Asked Questions

Have another question we haven't answered? Call our team at +359878132318.

Yes, absolutely! Our kneeling chair is designed to be suitable for all age groups including adults, children and teenagers. It is recommended for all age groups. For people under 165 cm tall, it is recommended to purchase an additional knee pad.

Ergo Active offers a range of benefits including improved posture, relief from back and lower back pain, improved circulation, better breathing and increased muscle engagement.

To be able to!   The chair teaches children proper posture. The unique body positioning of the kneeling chair contributes to maintaining the correct physiological curves of the spine, minimizing the risk of spinal diseases such as scoliosis and kyphotic deformities in children. This product will help get rid of osteochondrosis when forming a posture and reduce the tendency to slouch. With this chair you can reduce the possibility of developing disc protrusions and hernias.

The design of the chair encourages movement while sitting, which leads to improved blood circulation. Supports the movement of lymph during sitting.

Yes, Ergo Active is highly recommended by a variety of professionals including physiotherapists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and doctors.

Yes, it is be able to! Constant movement while sitting on the kneeling chair helps burn calories, making it a great addition to a healthy lifestyle. The chair trains and strengthens the muscles of the body.

Reviews of customers who have purchased the product.

Rated 5.0 out of 5
На 20 October

Столът е чудесен, обслужването, отношението, грижата към клиента – изключителни! Поръчах стола, тъй като имам проблеми с гръбначния стълб, с дискова херния съм, а професията ми е свързана с продължително стоене на стол. Нямам забележки – удобство, движение, с грижа за тялото и общата кондиция на ума, всичко в едно! Препоръчвам на сто процента!

Сърдечни благодарности на екипа, стоящ зад изработването и измислянето на този продукт ❤️

Rated 5.0 out of 5
На 30 July

Използвам Ergo Active Gravity All in One от 2-3 седмици и съм очарована. С работата ми на преводач прекарвам дълги часове седнала, но столът поддържа тялото ми в правилна позиция без изобщо да се замислям дали гърбът ми е изправен. В същото време ми позволява и дори ме подканва да се движа често. Очаквах да има период на свикване, но беше любов от първа среща.

Понякога прекалявам с люлеенето, когато се налага да чета дълги текстове. Изглежда малко несериозно отстрани, така че внимавайте с шефовете. 😉

Detelina Mileva
Rated 5.0 out of 5
На 30 July

Казвам се Лидия Теова. Професията ми е счетоводител, с 22 годишен стаж. 22 години, от 5 до 7 работни дни седмично, между 8 и 12 часа дневно, в седящо положение … Резултатът – болки в кръста, които се появиха преди около 2 години, като през последната година положението стана почти нетърпимо – болеше ме, дори по време на сън, а при всяко минимално движение, в кръста си усещах едно хрупане, все едно, че се е натрошил на десетки парченца.

Една сутрин, разглеждайки някакви неща в мрежата, попаднах на видео. Венцислав Тотев разказваше за столовете, които произвеждат и ползите от тях. Веднага ги потърсих и след като той лично ме консултира какво да избера – поръчах първият стол.

За пръв път ми се случва да получа продукт, който не е евтин, а ми беше доставен без искане за авансово плащане или наложен платеж – да го пробвам, да преценя и ако ми допада, да го платя, ако ли не – да го върна…Това се нарича доверие и желание не просто да продадеш нещо, а да дадеш възможност на клиента си да се убеди в ползите на продукта, който си създал.

За да не става прекалено дълго ще кажа само едно – господин Тотев, благодаря ви! За доверието, разясненията, грижата и търпението и най-вече за столчетата, които създавате! Вече повече от месец ползвам любимият си стол и болките изчезнаха! Взех си втори, предстои и трети!

Няма нищо по-важно от здравето, а вие ни помагате да го запазим! Бъдете здрави и още по-добри в това, което правите!

Лидия Теова
Rated 5.0 out of 5
На 30 July

I had the pleasure of using this amazing product. If you’re seeking relief and improved comfort, this innovative chair is designed to promote active sitting. It combines the benefits of kneeling and rocking motions to alleviate pressure on the spine and enhance posture without sacrificing productivity.💯🙏🏿🇹🇹❤️

Bevon Williams
Rated 5.0 out of 5
На 3 June

Изненадан съм ! Бях супер скептичен, но жената се възползва от услугата „безплатен тест в домашни условия“ и за 4 часа успя да ме убеди . Ползвам модела Ergo Active Gravity вече 4 месеца и спокойно мога да го препоръчам

Свилен Велизаров
Rated 5.0 out of 5
На 3 January

Видях, пробвах аз и сина ми, и мога да кажа, че наистина е уникален!

Малкия сега си пише домашните напълно изправен и съм спокоен за гърба му!

Антонио Димитров
Rated 5.0 out of 5
На 5 September

A chair that is designed to support more gentle sitting. Plus, it's made in Bulgaria! I'm very satisfied. Thank you!

George Parlakov
Confirmed order
Rated 5.0 out of 5
На 14 August

"It prevents deformation in the pelvis and spine but allows activation of all balancing muscles, which usually go dormant while sitting. I feel a natural support for the back, chest, and arms 🙂 🙂

Confirmed order
Rated 5.0 out of 5
На 10 August

This chair is definitely worth the investment. It's not only functional but also looks great in my office. A big 'bravo' to the manufacturers. The best part is that it's Bulgarian!

Magdalena Nikolova
Confirmed order
Rated 5.0 out of 5
На 10 August

The chair is truly revolutionary! After weeks of use, I notice a clear difference in my comfort and especially in my posture. Not to mention the impact on my daily productivity.

Radoslava Mihailova
Confirmed order

The ergonomic chair is an innovative solution for anyone who prefers to sit healthily. This chair offers body positioning that helps maintain the correct position of the spine, preserving the normal physiological curves of the spine - lordosis and kyphosis. The reason why this chair is so useful lies in its ability to stimulate constant movement, which helps burn up to 320 calories a day. Kinetic activity in the upper muscles also helps reduce tension and prevent headaches caused by neck and head muscle stiffness.

Active seating and comfort

Ergo Active Pro is a balance chair that offers the unique experience of active sitting. It is designed to improve the ergonomics of the work environment and promote correct sitting posture. This chair provides comfort and support to the body while sitting.

An environmentally conscious product

The kneeling chair for active sitting is entirely made of recyclable materials, making it an environmentally conscious product. This makes it an ideal choice for people who are interested in protecting the environment and looking for green solutions in the work environment.

Trains and strengthens muscles

The free position of the torso and the constant balancing that the chair induces trains and strengthens the muscles of the body. Constant movement while sitting helps burn calories and improves blood circulation in the legs, which also has a positive effect on breathing.

Improves coordination and concentration

This chair for active sitting not only improves physical fitness, but also has a beneficial effect on mental well-being. Encouraging deeper breathing, the chair helps release the lungs and improves coordination and concentration when working or studying.

Optimal choice for healthy sitting

The chair for active sitting is the ideal solution for all those looking for an optimal balance between comfort, health and efficiency in the working environment. This chair offers comfort and improved ergonomics, resulting in a healthier way of sitting and increased productivity when working or studying.