Ергономичен коленен стол с гравитационна функция: Седене със здраве. Регулируем модел с всички функции.
Модел подходящ за всички възрастови групи.
Гравитационната функция създава неповторим комфорт в моментите на релакс за тялото. Само при поставяне ръцете зад главата се променя центъра на тежестта и стола сам застава в перфектната за тялото поза за почиивка
Модел подходящ както за възрастни, така и за деца и юноши. Препоръчан от специалисти за всички възрастови групи.
Той е подходящ за всички хора със седяща работна поза.
Minimizes the prerequisites for the development of various spinal curvatures in children (scoliosis, kyphotic deformations, etc.)
The positioning of the body on the chair promotes the correct position of the spinal column.
Maintaining normal physiological curves of the spine (lordosis and kyphosis).
Reduces the possibility of developing more serious conditions like disc protrusions, hernias, and others.
Reduces the tendency to slouch.
The free position of the torso and the constant need for balancing train and strengthen the body's muscles.
Kinetic activity in the upper muscles helps reduce tension and prevent headaches caused by neck and head muscle tightness.
Naturally achieved correct curvature of the spine stops lower back pain.
Ергономичният стол е иновативно решение за всеки, който предпочита да седи здравословно.
Constant movement helps burn calories.
Тъй като дизайна на стола стимулира движението по време на седенето, кръвообращението в краката се подобрява, подобрява дишането
Supports circulation and lymph movement while seated.
Тежестта и подуването на краката характерни за статичното седене се намаляват;
Better oxygen supply and freedom of movement lead to improved concentration.
Sitting in a position similar to walking - frees the lungs and aids in deeper breathing.
Improves coordination and balance.
Prevents the possibility of developing stagnant phenomena in the pelvis and the appearance of hemorrhoids.
The correct angle of the seat reduces harmful loads in the lower back
The load is taken by the front of the shins, not the knees and feet.
This product will help you get rid of osteochondrosis in posture formation.
The knee chair for active sitting can be equipped with an innovative decompressive seat, which facilitates better circulation of blood and lymph in the pelvic area.
With its innovative design and function, the chair contributes to improving the ergonomics of your home office and comfort during work.
Препоръчан от редица специалисти (кинезитерпевти, физиотерапевти, ерготрапевти, лекари),
Suitable for console gaming
Stimulates movement and activates musculature
Recommended for people suffering from chronic back pain
Other office chairs
- Increased risk of developing back and lower back pain
- Limited circulation of blood and lymph in the body
- Muscle tension and fatigue due to ineffective sitting
- Restriction of natural movements and flexibility of the body
- Increased risk of developing spinal problems
- Weakening of muscles due to lack of activity while sitting
Our Ergo Active Gravity All in One
- Prevents blood stagnation
- Supports good body posture
- Facilitates breathing
- Reduces tension in the shoulders and neck
- Improves muscle tone
- Increases comfort and effectiveness while sitting