Free Delivery Across the Whole of Bulgaria
The ergonomic chair for active sitting Ergo Active is an innovative solution that maintains the correct position of the spine and stimulates movement while sitting. Made from recyclable materials, this chair offers improved blood circulation and reduces back strain, improving comfort and concentration while working or studying. Thanks to its innovative design and functions, the chair prevents headaches and shoulder pain. The correct position of the spine reduces the tendency to hunch over and the appearance of osteochondrosis when forming a posture. The prevention of spinal diseases in children is a leading motive in the production of kneeling chairs for active sitting. This model is suitable for all age groups and is recommended for children.
До 15% отстъпка само за лято 2023.
380.00лв. – 480.00лв.
Безплатна доставка
1-2 Days
Free delivery
Столът е подходящ за активните ни клиенти. За деца и възрастни, които постоянно стават от столчето. Ако ставате от слотчето по 7-10 пъти в рамките на 1 час то този модел е за вас. Подходящ за деца
Our kneeling chair is not just a piece of furniture, it is an innovative solution for those who prioritize their health and comfort. The ability to be equipped with an innovative decompression seat improves blood and lymph circulation in the pelvis, thus improving overall well-being. Upholstered in fabric, both the chair and footstools provide an extra touch of coziness and style. Recommended by a variety of professionals, including physiotherapists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and doctors, this chair is the best choice for health-conscious people looking for a more pleasant sitting experience.
This model is recommended for physically active people who know the correct sitting posture. This is also the model recommended for children who are extremely active and do not need backrests and armrests to encourage the body to relax and rest until the body gets used to the orthopedic posture.
Specially designed for all age groups including adults and teens, recommended for children.
Color |
Gray, Blue, Red |
Material |
Beech, Cloth |
Warranty |
12 months |
Weight |
5KG |
Height |
120cm |
Weight able to carry |
150KG |
Assembling |
Installation of armrests and backrest by the customer, Assembled base |
Illneses |
Others, Kyphotic deformities, Scoliosis |
Professionals |
All people with a sitting working posture |
Have another question we haven't answered? Call our team at +359878132318.
Yes, absolutely! Our kneeling chair is designed to be suitable for all age groups including adults, children and teenagers. It is recommended for all age groups. For people under 165 cm tall, it is recommended to purchase an additional knee pad.
Ergo Active offers a range of benefits including improved posture, relief from back and lower back pain, improved circulation, better breathing and increased muscle engagement.
To be able to! The chair teaches children proper posture. The unique body positioning of the kneeling chair contributes to maintaining the correct physiological curves of the spine, minimizing the risk of spinal diseases such as scoliosis and kyphotic deformities in children. This product will help get rid of osteochondrosis when forming a posture and reduce the tendency to slouch. With this chair you can reduce the possibility of developing disc protrusions and hernias.
The design of the chair encourages movement while sitting, which leads to improved blood circulation. Supports the movement of lymph during sitting.
Yes, Ergo Active is highly recommended by a variety of professionals including physiotherapists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and doctors.
Yes, it is be able to! Constant movement while sitting on the kneeling chair helps burn calories, making it a great addition to a healthy lifestyle. The chair trains and strengthens the muscles of the body.
Работя седнала по 8+ часа на ден и започнах да развивам сериозни проблеми с гърба и изкривяване във врата. Физиотерапевтът ми ми каза, че е добре да превключва на коленен стол, но че ще трябва да го редувам на всеки 30-40 минути с друга форма на седене или с работа в изправено положение, а това не беше възможна опция за офиса при мен. Започнах да заглеждам този стол и реших да се обадя да разпитам за повече информация. Супер много ми допадна двудневният тестов период, защото ми даде възможност да реша дали столът наистина ми пасва, предвид, че не е евтин. На седмица две съм и още свиквам с различните начини на седене, но е супер, че самият стол те предразполага да сменяш позицията често и да седиш с изправен гръб. 100% бие седенето на стандартен стол с часове, на който инстинктивно се сгърбвам и вече започвам да усещам ефектите.
Столът е чудесен, обслужването, отношението, грижата към клиента – изключителни! Поръчах стола, тъй като имам проблеми с гръбначния стълб, с дискова херния съм, а професията ми е свързана с продължително стоене на стол. Нямам забележки – удобство, движение, с грижа за тялото и общата кондиция на ума, всичко в едно! Препоръчвам на сто процента!
Сърдечни благодарности на екипа, стоящ зад изработването и измислянето на този продукт ❤️
Използвам Ergo Active Gravity All in One от 2-3 седмици и съм очарована. С работата ми на преводач прекарвам дълги часове седнала, но столът поддържа тялото ми в правилна позиция без изобщо да се замислям дали гърбът ми е изправен. В същото време ми позволява и дори ме подканва да се движа често. Очаквах да има период на свикване, но беше любов от първа среща.
Понякога прекалявам с люлеенето, когато се налага да чета дълги текстове. Изглежда малко несериозно отстрани, така че внимавайте с шефовете. 😉
Казвам се Лидия Теова. Професията ми е счетоводител, с 22 годишен стаж. 22 години, от 5 до 7 работни дни седмично, между 8 и 12 часа дневно, в седящо положение … Резултатът – болки в кръста, които се появиха преди около 2 години, като през последната година положението стана почти нетърпимо – болеше ме, дори по време на сън, а при всяко минимално движение, в кръста си усещах едно хрупане, все едно, че се е натрошил на десетки парченца.
Една сутрин, разглеждайки някакви неща в мрежата, попаднах на видео. Венцислав Тотев разказваше за столовете, които произвеждат и ползите от тях. Веднага ги потърсих и след като той лично ме консултира какво да избера – поръчах първият стол.
За пръв път ми се случва да получа продукт, който не е евтин, а ми беше доставен без искане за авансово плащане или наложен платеж – да го пробвам, да преценя и ако ми допада, да го платя, ако ли не – да го върна…Това се нарича доверие и желание не просто да продадеш нещо, а да дадеш възможност на клиента си да се убеди в ползите на продукта, който си създал.
За да не става прекалено дълго ще кажа само едно – господин Тотев, благодаря ви! За доверието, разясненията, грижата и търпението и най-вече за столчетата, които създавате! Вече повече от месец ползвам любимият си стол и болките изчезнаха! Взех си втори, предстои и трети!
Няма нищо по-важно от здравето, а вие ни помагате да го запазим! Бъдете здрави и още по-добри в това, което правите!
I had the pleasure of using this amazing product. If you’re seeking relief and improved comfort, this innovative chair is designed to promote active sitting. It combines the benefits of kneeling and rocking motions to alleviate pressure on the spine and enhance posture without sacrificing productivity.💯🙏🏿🇹🇹❤️
Изненадан съм ! Бях супер скептичен, но жената се възползва от услугата „безплатен тест в домашни условия“ и за 4 часа успя да ме убеди . Ползвам модела Ergo Active Gravity вече 4 месеца и спокойно мога да го препоръчам
Видях, пробвах аз и сина ми, и мога да кажа, че наистина е уникален!
Малкия сега си пише домашните напълно изправен и съм спокоен за гърба му!
A chair that is designed to support more gentle sitting. Plus, it's made in Bulgaria! I'm very satisfied. Thank you!
"It prevents deformation in the pelvis and spine but allows activation of all balancing muscles, which usually go dormant while sitting. I feel a natural support for the back, chest, and arms 🙂 🙂
This chair is definitely worth the investment. It's not only functional but also looks great in my office. A big 'bravo' to the manufacturers. The best part is that it's Bulgarian!
The ergonomic chair is an innovative solution for anyone who prefers to sit healthily. This chair offers body positioning that helps maintain the correct position of the spine, preserving the normal physiological curves of the spine - lordosis and kyphosis. The reason this chair is so useful lies in its ability to encourage constant movement, which helps burn calories. Kinetic activity in the upper muscles also helps reduce tension and prevent headaches caused by neck and head muscle stiffness.
This ergonomic chair is designed so that achieves the natural correct curvature of the spine, which helps to stop lower back pain. The possibility of developing more serious conditions, such as disc protrusions, hernias and other problems related to the spine and incorrect sitting posture, is reduced.
This chair provides a free position of the torso and the constant need for balancing, which trains and strengthens the muscles of the body, reduces the tendency to slouch. Thanks to its design, which stimulates movement while sitting, blood circulation in the legs is improved. This also aids circulation and lymph movement while sitting, reducing heaviness and swelling associated with static sitting.
One of the key benefits of active sitting and sitting in a position similar to walking is to free up the lungs and breathe more deeply. This improves coordination and balance while preventing the possibility of pelvic congestion and hemorrhoids.
With the correct inclination of the seat, this chair reduces harmful loads on the lower back and at least prevents the development of a number of spinal distortions in children - scoliosis, kyphotic deformities and other problems.
Ергономичния коленен стол може да бъде снабден с иновативна декомпресивна седалка, която спомага за по-добрата циркулация на кръвта и лимфата в областта на малкия таз. С този иновативен дизайн и функции, столът допринася за подобряване на ергономиката на вашия хоумофис и комфорта по време на работа. Освен това е важно да се спомене, че той е изработен изцяло от рециклируеми материали, което го прави още по-екологичен и устойчив.
Този ергономичен коленен стол е препоръчан от редица специалисти – кинезитерапевти, физиотерапевти, ерготерапевти, лекари и други. Той е подходящ за всички хора със седяща работна поза, включително и за деца и учащи. Изработен е от слоеста букова дървесина и рециклирани материали, а столчето и подложките за крака могат да бъдат тапицирани с плат или кожа, което допълнително увеличава комфорта при използване.
Ергономичния стол за активно седене Ergo Active е иновативно решение за всички, които се грижат за своето здраве и добро самочувствие. Неговите многообразни предимства, включително подобрено кръвообращение, поддържане на правилната позиция на гръбначния стълб и намаляване на напрежението в мускулите, го правят идеален избор за дома или офиса.
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The guarantee is valid under the conditions agreed here. Complaints for defects that could not be established at the time of delivery can be submitted within the time limits according to Bulgarian legislation.
For chairs with a guarantee, all components are covered.The commercial guarantee for the goods does not affect the rights of consumers arising from Art. 112 - Art. 115 of the Consumer Protection Act (CPA) - natural persons. • has the announced characteristics - material, dimensions, color, purpose. There is no lack of conformity in the case of possible differences in visual terms due to the specifics of the screens of the devices through which the electronic catalog of the company's website or the book catalog was viewed, as well as "differences" due to unreasonably constructed representations by on the part of consumers.• is suitable for ordinary use, for which similar goods of the same type serve - i.e. with normal and reasonable care of a good owner on the part of the user, with proper storage and use, consistent with the physical characteristics of the products as a whole and, often, the materials from which they are made.
Complaints are made by phone 0878132318 and in writing to email: garanciq@ stoleto.bg indicating the subject and grounds for complaint.
When presenting it, the user should present the product and its packaging (in the case of a label with a serial number), invoice and/or order number. A note from a courier company about the shipment received by him, certifying the purchase of the advertised product, protocols, acts or other documents certifying the non-conformity of the goods with the agreed, other documents substantiating the claimed claim on grounds. The customer cannot refer to and loses his rights under the provided Commercial Guarantee in the following cases: in case of lost purchase document (invoice), lost warranty card, in case of exceeding the permissible loads of the chair: up to 100 kg for a Standard chair and up to 130 kg. in the case of a custom-made chair, damaged during transport after receipt, after repair attempts by the owners or a person not authorized by the company, damage caused to the body or seat furniture with a sharp or hard object, when the products get wet or stored in damp rooms, when applied of damage due to unnatural treatment of the furniture (dropping during transportation, jumping from above, intentional steaming of seams, damage by force, improper installation, damage caused by domestic animals), in case of burning from heating devices and cigarettes, in case of damage caused by chemical and bleaching substances , when zippers break, if there are any, when there is a change in color as a result of unnaturally long exposure to direct sunlight, cases where attempts have been made to tamper with it, cosmetic defects referring only to the aesthetic appearance of the furniture and not affecting its work, lack of parts that have the nature of consumables (plugs and boots of chairs, screws, bolts, handles, etc.), in case of failure to follow the user manual according to the technical description, in case of an attempt to carry out repairs and eliminate non-compliance by unauthorized persons persons. It does not cover defects caused as a result of improper use of the items. The warranty is only valid if all conditions and requirements for safe transportation and installation are met.
Return conditions:
According to the General Terms and Conditions, the Customer has the right, without giving a reason, to refuse the ordered product within 14 days from the date of receipt. The only mandatory condition in this case is that the goods are in their original commercial form, without broken packaging/carton/ and without signs of use, tears, breaks, scratches. The costs of returning the goods are for the account of the Customer.
In case of non-fulfilment of these conditions, the company reserves the right not to accept the returned goods and, accordingly, not to pay the costs incurred when purchasing them from the customer. After receiving the returned goods on time and inspecting them, their value will be refunded to the Customer in full (without the services provided - delivery fee, installation fee, delivery fee, flat rate) within 14 days, starting from the date on which the Customer returned the electricity. Each Customer is obliged to store the products received by the company, their quality and safety until the moment of their return. Until the return of the goods by the customer, the risk of accidental loss or damage to the goods is borne entirely by the customer.
Addresses for return: City of Vratsa, 44 Bratya Miladinovi Street, phone 0878132318 Vencislav Totev
We strive to provide you with high quality products and an exceptional shopping experience. Please review our returns policy below, which allows you to return products within the first 14 days of purchase, no questions asked.
Our return policy covers a 14-day period from the date of purchase.
During this 14-day window, you have the option to return the product for any reason without the need to provide an explanation.
To be eligible for a return, the product must be in its original condition, including all accessories, manuals and packaging materials.
Products showing signs of misuse, mishandling or damage caused by customer negligence may not be eligible for return.
a. To initiate a return, please contact our customer support team on +359 878 132 318. We will guide you through the return process.
The product must be securely packed to prevent damage during transit. Please include all original accessories and packaging materials.
Use the template provided in the box the package came in to complete the return form.
For returns within the 14-day period, return shipping costs are the responsibility of the customer.
Once we receive the returned product and verify its condition, we will begin the refund process.
Refunds will be processed to the bank account provided on the form within 30 days. Please note that the time it takes for the refund to reflect in your account may vary from bank to bank.
If you have any questions or concerns about our returns policy or need assistance with returns, please contact our customer support team. We are here to help you with any questions you may have.
Stoleto.bg reserves the right to update or change this return policy at any time without notice. However, any changes will not affect return requests for products purchased prior to such changes.
We hope you will be completely satisfied with your purchase. However, if you wish to return the product within the first 14 days, we guarantee a hassle-free, no-questions-asked return process.
Want immediate help from our team? Call during business hours and we'll help. Alternatively, you can write to us and we will respond within a day.
+359 878 132 318